F.I.L.A. – Fabbrica Italiana Lapis ed Affini S.p.A. (“F.I.L.A.” or the “Company”), following what was already disclosed to the market on March 16, 2021, announces that it has purchased on the Mercato Telematico Azionario organized and managed by Borsa Italiana S.p.A. (the "MTA"), in the period 23 - 25 March 2021, n. 51,500 Fila ordinary shares (representing 0.1009% of the share capital), at the average unit price of Euro 9,47 per share, for a total value of Euro 487,646.90.
These transactions were carried out as part of the treasury share purchase program, the launch of which was approved by the Company's Board of Directors on March 16, 2021, and based on the authorization approved by the Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting of April 22, 2020. (the program"). As disclosed to the market, the Program has as its object the purchase of a maximum of n. 51,500 Fila ordinary shares, representing 0.1009% of the share capital.
On the basis of the information provided by the independent intermediary appointed for the execution of the purchases, the details, on a daily basis, of the purchase operations of Fila ordinary shares (ISIN IT0004967292) carried out by the same intermediary on the MTA in the aforementioned period are shown below :
Data N. of shares Average Price (Euro) Value (Euro)
23 marzo 2021 20,000 9,38 187,666.00
24 marzo 2021 20,000 9,53 190,522.40
25 marzo 2021 11,500 9,52 109,458.50
Total 51,500 487,646.90
As a result of the transactions carried out in the period 23 - 25 March 2021, the Company purchased the maximum number of treasury shares covered by the Program and, therefore, the latter has been completed.
Following the purchases made so far, Fila holds a total of n. 51,500 treasury shares, equal to approximately 0.1009% of the share capital.
The purchase transactions were carried out through an independent intermediary according to operating methods, which do not allow the direct matching of the purchase negotiation proposals with predetermined sales negotiation proposals.