F.I.L.A. – Fabbrica Italiana Lapis ed Affini S.p.A. (“Fila” or the “Company”) announces, as per Article 85-bis of Consob Regulation No. 11971/99, the new composition of its share capital following the exercise, on June 7, 2021, of n. 18,249 “Pacon Manager Warrant” which attribute the right to subscribe 1 (one) Fila ordinary share for each warrant exercised - on the payable and divisible share capital increase, with the exclusion of the option right pursuant to Article 2441, paragraph 8, of the Civil Code , to service the exercise of the "Pacon Manager Warrants", resolved by the Shareholders' Meeting of Fila held in an extraordinary session on 11 October 2018 (the "Capital Increase").
As a result, a total of 18,249 new Fila ordinary shares were issued and assigned, based on the Share Capital Increase that is fully subscribed and paid-up, having the same characteristics as those already outstanding at the date of issue, without indication of the nominal value and with regular enjoyment.
The certification pursuant to Article 2444 of the Civil Code relating to the new amount of the share capital was filed for registration with the Register of Companies of Milan, Monza-Brianza and Lodi today.
As of June 7, 2021, as of today, all No. 172,678 "Pacon Manager Warrants" have been exercised. The following is the number of warrants of the Company exercised and the number of warrants of the Company still outstanding at today’s date.
Please note, moreover, that the updated Fila By-Laws with the new amount of the share capital was deposited for registration with the Register of Companies of Milan, Monza-Brianza and Lodi and is made available to the public on the website of Fila at www.filagroup.it , section "Governance", and at the storage mechanism authorized "emarket Storage" at www.emarketstorage.com .