Press Releases

F.I.L.A. S.p.A. Publication of the updated version of the 2019-2021 Performance Share Plan disclosure document

Published: 05 August 2021 at 18:15

It is announced that an updated version of the disclosure document, prepared as per Article 114-bis of Legs. Decree No. 58 of February 24, 1998, concerning Fila’s “2019-2021 Performance Shares Plan” was today made available to the public. It reports a change to the number of beneficiaries of the "2019-2021 Performance Shares Plan", effective starting from 5 August 2021.

This document is available at the registered office at Pero (Mi), via XXV Aprile No. 5, on the Fila website at, in addition to the “eMarket Storage” authorised storage mechanism at
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