Press Releases

F.I.L.A. S.p.A. VEI Capital ABB closing

Published: 07 September 2021 at 21:22

Completion of the accelerated bookbuilding offering launched by Venice European Investment Capital S.p.A. in F.I.L.A. S.p.A.

The gross proceeds amount to approximately c.€25.6 million, deriving from the sale of c.2.5 million ordinary shares of F.I.L.A. S.p.A., at a price of €10.1 per share.

Further to the press release published today, Venice European Investment Capital S.p.A. ("VEI Capital") announces the successful completion of the placement to institutional investors of c. 2.5 million existing ordinary shares in F.I.L.A S.p.A. ("Fila" or the "Company"), equal to c. 5.9% of the Company's issued share capital, at a price of €10.1 per share (the "Placement"). VEI Capital sold the entire shareholding held in Fila. T

he settlement of the Placement will take place on 10 September 2021.

Gross proceeds of the Placement amount to approximately €25.6 million.

Mediobanca – Banca di Credito Finanziario S.p.A acted as Sole Bookrunner of the Placement.
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